windmills, solar panels, and battery energy storage

Energy Transition

Dillon Consulting, Energy Transition logo

As champions of the low-carbon economy, the Dillon Energy Transition team helps forward-thinking companies operationalize sustainability goals. We are driven by a shared passion for energy transition solutions that benefit our environment, our communities and our economy.

Green office building with trees overhead
Geoff Allaby

Key Contact

Geoff Allaby
E: [email protected]
P: 506.633.5000

Our Energy Transition Service Offerings

Energy Efficiency and Optimization 
  • Helping clients to leverage the financial incentives and rebates that Canadian utilities offer under their comprehensive energy efficiency programs. We aim to assist our clients in securing and deploying this funding to effectively decarbonize their operations without compromising their operational objectives.
Energy Transition Pathway Planning
  • Options analysis (screening and due diligence) and feasibility studies to help our clients achieve their decarbonization goals.
  • Comprehensive technical integration reviews and conceptual design input to improve the reliability of capital estimates and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) that inform strategic decarbonization plans.
  • Providing a tailored pathway to sustainable operations, promoting a seamless transition to reduced carbon footprints