
Parks Canada 2022 Asset Condition and Maintenance Assessments

Parks Canada stewards over 18,000 built assets with an estimated replacement value of approximately $28B from coast to coast to coast, including assets in some of the most remote and ecologically sensitive areas of Canada. To manage this extraordinary portfolio of assets the Agency has undergone transformative change marked by innovative practices in asset management. Key organizational changes have included the creation of a new Real Property & Assets Directorate to strengthen and modernize the ongoing management of the extensive real property and asset portfolio, providing leadership in program, portfolio, and service management.

Collaborating with Associated Engineering and Dillon Consulting Limited on the 2022 Asset Condition and Maintenance Assessments, Parks Canada applied innovative data-driven analysis methodologies to comprehensively understand routine and non-routine maintenance needs, code and accessibility related actions, energy and GHG opportunities and climate-related vulnerabilities and adaptation actions. This strategic partnership has enhanced the Agency’s ability to assess and manage risks associated with its diverse asset portfolio.

Creative approaches in data collection and management were pivotal in overcoming logistical challenges, especially from remote locations. A custom system was developed to provide in-depth insight integrating diverse information sources including inspection data, cost indices, Retscreen energy benchmarks, GIS information and ClimateAtlas projections to understand vulnerabilities, opportunities and investment needs for the next 20 years.

Recent achievements extend to improved competency within the Service Management group. Through skill-sharing and the adoption of tools like PowerBI, the team has advanced its asset management skills, making the first steps in a journey of innovation, excellence, and continuous improvement in Parks Canada’s asset management practices.

Karina Verhoeven, Parks Canada’s Acting Manager of Asset Operations & Maintenance, highlighted the value of the team’s collaborative approach:

“having a new team . . . that focuses on planning and executing maintenance, combined with the team’s operational asset management experience, provides an essential link between strategic priorities and implementation. The work we’ve done with Associated Engineering and Dillon represents an important first step towards greater accuracy, predictability and flexibility in forecasting maintenance investments, and Parks Canada’s ability to respond to changing government priorities.”


  • Tereo Award: Second Place, Canadian Network of Asset Managers, 2024

Project Details

Project Partner: Parks Canada
Business Unit: Community Planning & Infrastructure
Service Offering: Asset Management