
Our Plan Toronto – Toronto, ON

Dillon’s stakeholder engagement team is excited to share that we are working with the City of Toronto as the lead consultant for the engagement and communications program for the City’s Official Plan Review (also referred to as the Municipal Comprehensive Review).

The engagement strategy has been developed to be inclusive and accessible to all Torontonians, interested stakeholders, grassroots community leaders, Indigenous rights holders and Indigenous organizations. The engagement approach is rooted in trying to reach a broad and diverse audience in order to bring forward the voices of those that experience the greatest inequities across the city and who are typically underrepresented in planning processes.  Through initial consultation with the City and with our project partners at Rally Rally, we have launched this project as Our Plan Toronto.  Rally Rally is supporting the Dillon team as the communications and branding lead. Rally Rally has managed the visual look and feel of the project and is coordinating media outreach and communications to build project awareness. We are also pleased to have Maximum City on our team to help engage grassroots community leaders and lead the youth engagement components of the program.

The Official Plan is Toronto’s road map for land use. It sets out the City’s long-term vision, shared values, and policies that guide decision making on land development, economic growth, the environment and more. With Toronto projected to grow by at least 700,000 people and more than 450,000 jobs by 2051, it is important to keep the Official Plan up to date to accommodate growth.

The focus of Our Plan Toronto will be to identify where growth should go, and what is necessary to support healthy, complete communities that are thriving and inclusive. Some of the key topics of focus for engagement include housing, climate change, equity and the future of work. This short video provides an introduction to Our Plan Toronto. The video was managed by Rally Rally and produced by Adjacent Possibilities, with input from Dillon and the City of Toronto.

Your Guide to Our Plan Toronto provides more information on what the City of Toronto is doing and why.

Project Details

Project Partner: City of Toronto
Business Unit: Community Planning & Infrastructure
Service Offering: Community Planning