
Arthur Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Road Reconstruction – Guelph, ON

In 2014, the City of Guelph completed a Class Environmental Assessment study regarding the existing Arthur Street sanitary trunk sewer located beneath the Speed River. A preferred alternative was identified as a route along a series of roads within the City’s downtown core. The City of Guelph retained Dillon to complete the design of the realigned trunk sewer, complete with full reconstruction of those roads and Contract Administration for five separate construction tenders.

The alignment of the trunk sewer was complicated and wove its way along and through the Ministry of Transportation Ontario’s Highway 7 in Guelph and along narrow rights-of-way bounded by historically significant and fragile structures. The route was impacted by exposure to contaminated sites, went through a closed municipal landfill area, encountered areas in need of significant dewatering, required a new storm outfall to the Speed River and two rail crossings, and significant rock excavation. The new alignment eliminated multiple instances of municipal infrastructure within unregistered private easements, and connected to the existing trunk sewer in a live flow scenario at a connection point situation adjacent to a Metrolinx elevated railway.

Man inside concrete tube installing sewer lines
installing concrete sections for sewer lines
Road reconstruction after sewer line installation

Dillon’s objectives for this project were to:

  • Develop and advance the preferred design concepts as noted in the project EA Report, including:
  • Watermains, local sanitary sewers, trunk sanitary sewers, local storm sewers, trunk storm sewers, and services
    • Pavement replacement and sidewalks
    • Rail Crossings
    • Utility coordination
    • Permit application coordination and submission
    • Tree inventory and arborist’s report; Intersections
    • Incorporation of Downtown Streetscape Manual guidelines
    • Coordination of additional consultants through preparation of additional TORs in conjunction with the City.
  • Obtain the necessary approvals from regulatory agencies, utilities, and stakeholders
  • Prepare the necessary reports, drawings, specifications and tender documents for the project
  • Provide contract administration services
  • Prepare regular reports and budget updates and submit this documentation to the City’s project manager
  • To successfully complete this challenging project in partnership with the City of Guelph; on-time and on-budget.


  • Ontario Public Works Association, $10 – $50 Million Project, 2020

Project Details

Project Partner: City of Guelph
Business Unit: Community Planning & Infrastructure
Service Offering: Linear Infrastructure