
Fundy Isles Infrastructure Needs Study – NB

Dillon was retained by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (NBDTI) to help better understand the current condition of assets maintained by the client for each of the Fundy Isles, which included Grand Manan, Campobello, White Head, and Deer Island. This project was completed with a two-phase approach.

  • Phase 1 assessed the condition of over 1,900 assets owned and maintained by NBDTI, hydraulically sizing all bridges and culverts, and identifying geometric deficiencies on approximately 62 km of roadway.
  • Phase 2 used that collected information to provide a list of recommended priority repairs and actionable items over the next five years.

This is the largest project of its kind (in terms of geographical extent) that NBDTI has undertaken to date. The work was completed under an extremely tight schedule which required use of innovative approaches to complete the work in accordance with the client schedule. Various technologies such as UAV footage, photogrammetry application, and ArcGIS capabilities were utilized to accelerate the project timeline.

Due to the isolated nature of the Fundy Isles, this project will be used to economically address failing infrastructure in the region to provide a more resilient transportation network by grouping projects together and understanding the overall needs of the Fundy Isles over the next five years. The establishment of safe, and reliable infrastructure connecting these remote islands is extremely important for the health and well-being of these communities.


  • Engineering Excellence Award, Association of Consulting Engineering Companies New Brunswick, 2024

Project Details

Project Partner: New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
Business Unit: Community Planning & Infrastructure
Service Offering: Asset Management