Southcote Road Municipal Class Environmental Assessment – Hamilton, ON
Dillon provided consulting services for a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA), Phases 3 & 4 for Southcote Road between Calder Street and Garner Road East in the community of Ancaster.
The need for improvements along Southcote Road was identified in the Ancaster Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) (2011), which fulfilled Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA process. The ATMP identified a preferred alternative solution for the transportation network, including better utilization of existing roadway capacity by adding two-way left turn lanes to accommodate growth (population and employment) and promotion of active transportation by adding bike lanes and sidewalks.
The ATMP identified the need to widen Southcote Road to a three-lane urban cross-section. The study completed by Dillon fulfilled Phases 3 and 4 of the Class EA process, including identifying and evaluating alternative design options to implement the preferred alternative and selecting a preferred option. The study included public and agency consultation and the decision-making process is documented in this Environmental Study Report.
The preferred design included widening the roadway primarily to the east to accommodate a centre two-way left turn lane on Southcote Road between Secinaro Avenue and Calder Street, reconstruction to an urban cross-section with curb and gutter throughout the corridor, and the addition of northbound and southbound left turn lanes at the intersection of Southcote Road and Oldoakes Place/Dorval Drive. New sidewalk was proposed on the west side of Southcote Road throughout the project area and on the east side of Southcote Road between Oldoakes Place and Golf Links Road. Two pedestrian crossings were recommended along Southcote Road: at the Cabriolet Crescent sidewalk path, and Gray Court Drive. A third pedestrian crossing was suggested as part of the traffic signals recommended at Stonehenge Drive.
A 3.5 m wide multi-use path was proposed on the east side of Southcote Road from Garner Road to the existing pathway connection to Cabriolet Crescent. On-road bike lanes are proposed from the Cabriolet Crescent pathway to the south limit of the Highway 403 structure.
Project Details
Project Partner: City of Hamilton
Business Unit: Transportation
Service Offering: Roads