
Public Spaces Waste Management Strategy – Langley, BC

Dillon was retained to assist the Township of Langley (Township) in the development of a Public Spaces Waste Management Strategy that would include Township streets, parks, natural areas, trails and cemeteries.

An assessment of existing practices related to waste diversion, collection, and maintenance of practices was completed including a series of waste composition studies of public space receptacles. Additionally, programs successfully implemented in other jurisdictions were reviewed.  A set of recommendations were developed and Dillon assisted the Township with a public spaces pilot program. The program was evaluated through a series of waste composition studies. Results of the pilot program assisted the Township in identifying the most effective waste collection receptacles and signage in public spaces and where program components need to be refined for Township-wide implementation.

Dillon was further retained by the Township to complete the next phase of their Public Spaces Waste Management Strategy. This phase included implementing and monitoring the field tests of 13 new and revised waste receptacles. The results of this field test assisted the Township in identifying the most effective waste collection receptacles and signage in public spaces and where program components need to be refined for Township-wide implementation. The field tests included testing of four different methodologies. Each of the methodologies assessed different receptacle styles, signage, openings, locking mechanisms, and how modifications to the Townships existing receptacles will influence waste diversion and the collection process. Dillon assisted the Township with selecting the locations of the field tests, developing training for Township staff, developing feedback and evaluation forms for collection, and assisting in developing signage for the field test bins. 

Throughout the field tests, Dillon staff completed surveys with the Township collection staff to gain knowledge on the collection process for the new bins. Dillon also completed waste audits throughout the field tests to determine which methodology increases waste diversion. Dillon analyzed all information and feedback obtained in the field tests to produce a report that summarized results along with recommendations for full scale implementation.

Project Details

Project Partner: Township of Langley
Business Unit: Waste Management
Service Offering: Advisory Services